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This contains examples of the commands SQL COMMANDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~ shsqlstart SHSQL=postgres export SHSQL HANDLE=`shsqlstart dbname=mydb` shsqlpostgres HANDLE=`shpostgres dbname=mydb` shmysql HANDLE=`shmysql dbname=mydb` shsqlite3 HANDLE=`shsqlite3 mydb.db` shsqlite HANDLE=`shsqlite mydb.db` shodbc HANDLE=`shodbc user password connectionstring` shfreetds HANDLE=`shfreetds server=myserver user=username password=mypassword` shsql shsql $HANDLE "select fld1, fld2 from mytable" shsqlinp shsqlinp $HANDLE --csv "insert into a(b,c) values (?,?)" < file shsqlend shsqlend $HANDLE UTILITIES ~~~~~~~~~ shsqlesc MYSQLPAR=`shsqlesc $MYINPUTPAR` shsqlline shsql $HANDLE "select a, b, c from mytable" | ( while ROW=`sqlline` do eval set $ROW ..........